Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cuba And The Cold War - 1194 Words

According to, from the 195 countries that had been assessed, forty six percent were rated free, twenty eight percent partly free, and twenty 6 percent not Free. 51 countries have an authoritarian government where the rights of the citizens has been diminished and left in the grasp of the government. All humans have natural rights that should not be squandered by the greediness and cruelty of those in charge. One of the most important questions asked is why some countries are democratic and others authoritarian. During the Cold War, the competition was between capitalism and communism. Since those days, Russia has decided to turn its economic system into a more capitalist structure. Their economy has begun to grow exponentially, which as a result expanded the middle class. The richer the citizens get, the more aware of their surroundings they became. Cuba is a world-renowned oppressive regime under the rule of the Castro family. They dismissed democratic ideology and the free market system, which had been proven successful in other countries. On the opposite side, countries such as Australia provide their citizens with the natural rights they are entitled to. They are a surging capitalist country that has been reaping off the benefits of the open market and private ownership. The main distinction between the two countries of Cuba and Australia is how capitalist the countries are. The degree of their capitalism has a ripple effect on the citizens, which overShow MoreRelated Cuba in the Cold War Essay1821 Words   |  8 Pages On April 17, 1961 one of the greatest foreign policy mistakes of the Cold War was made, the attempted invasion of the Bay of Pigs, Cuba. The failed invasion happened under the administration of John F. Kennedy and caused the deaths and imprisonment of over 1500 Cuban exiles fighting to over throw the rule of Fidel Castro. The aftermath caused much larger impacts towards United States foreign policy. The invasion made the United States look imperialistic to the rest of the world and allowed theRead MoreA Cold War Relic : Should The United States Seek Tighten The Economic Grip On Cuba? If So900 Words   |  4 PagesA Cold War Relic Should the United States seek to tighten the economic grip on Cuba? If so, why? In looking at the situation with common sense and practicality, a continued economic grip on Cuba, and more importantly the Cuban people, is relatively useless without the cooperation from a large number of other countries. It makes even less sense when you consider that the United States trades with countries with similar political ideologies such as China and Vietnam, China now a part of the WorldRead MoreCuban Missile Impact On The World Of The Cold War902 Words   |  4 PagesCuban Missile War Is Cuban communism the beginning of the Cold War? Could the Cuban Missile Crisis end in the world devastation? According to, nuclear war is â€Å"war in which nuclear weapons are used by both sides. As generally used, the term assumes major use of nuclear weapons by at least two opposing warring states.† The invasion of Cuba by United States caused by the alliances between Cuba and the Soviet Union brought conflict between those countries. The United State tried toRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy Gave the Order for the Bay of Pigs Invasion1100 Words   |  4 Pagesto invade Cuba and overthrow Castro, America was expecting a victory. The American population expected Cuba to be destroyed. They thought Cuba could not stand up to the United States. What they didn’t expect was that Cuba would put up a fight. The Bay of Pigs invasion was a deciding factor in the Cold War that gave Cuba and the Soviet Union strength, and decreased morale and confidence in the Ameri cans. The Bay of Pigs invasion took place during the Cold War, which was not an actual war, but it consistedRead MoreCuban Missile Crisis : A Ten Day Confrontation Between The United States And The Soviet Union 878 Words   |  4 PagesMissile Crisis Essay The Cuban Missile Crisis was a thirteen day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union in October of 1962. The stand off was over Soviet ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest the Cold War ever came to a full out nuclear war. The event was broadcasted on television for the world to see causing a global panic, especially in America. John F. Kennedy announced that the U.S. would use a naval blockade to eliminate the Cuban threatRead MoreConceptions of the Cold War Essay1006 Words   |  5 Pagesterm Cold War? The term Cold War can be defined as the period of political impasse which existed between our country (U.S.A.) and U.S.S.R. from the early 1950s until the fall of Communism in the early 1980s. Words and phrases associated with Cold War include, race to arms, race to space, Bay of Pigs, and The Berlin Wall. Did you ever study the Cold War in school? If so, what are some aspects of the Cold War that you remember? Having been born in 1952, I lived during the Cold WarRead MoreU.s. Cuba Relations : A Discussion Of Constructivism And Realism1329 Words   |  6 PagesU.S. – Cuba Relations: A Discussion of Constructivism and Realism During the Cold War, relations between Cuba and the United States were icy. Cuba was allied with the USSR, America’s enemy, and was well within their sphere of influence. With events like the failed Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis happening on their soil, Cuba was at the center of the Cold War. Between ideological differences and their alliance with Russia, Cuba became an enemy of America as well. It took the effortsRead MoreThe Significance of the Cuban Missile Crisis Essay1686 Words   |  7 PagesIn order to understand the importance of the Cuban Missile Crisis one must understand, the Cold war drama; the dangerous crisis; and its importance today. In order to understand the importance of the Cuban Missile Crisis in American history one must first understand the Cold War drama, Castro’s rise to power, and the American operations that set up the crisis. â€Å"The term Cold War refers to the post-World war II global geostrategic, economic, and ideological competition between the East, led by theRead MoreCold War Influence in Latin America1616 Words   |  7 PagesCold War Influence in Latin America The United States and the Soviet Union competed against each other during the Cold War in the second half of the 20th Century like a chess game, with the world as their chessboard and countries as pawns in their game. For the Russians, a critical part of the chessboard was Cuba and Latin America. The Russians believed that if they could align themselves with countries in the western hemisphere, America’s â€Å"backyard†, it would help the Soviet Union counter the strongRead MoreWhat Major Events in the Cold War Caused Fidel Castro to Side with the Soviet Union Super Power?805 Words   |  4 PagesWhat major events in the Cold War caused Fidel Castro to side with the Soviet Union Super Power? In the 1960’s the world was largely dominated by the Cold War which was a long period of tension and hostility that only occasionally broke out into open warfare. This conflict was caused by the rivalry of two superpowers - the United States and the Soviet Union and emerged after the Second World War. Both super powers had different ideologies - the United States was a capitalist democracy, whereas

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