Friday, December 20, 2019

Technology Is Good For Our Children - 1918 Words

Even though some people believe technology makes children slower, lazier and antisocial, modern technology can affect our children in a positive way because it is good for the developing brain of a child it keeps our kids aware of social change and the media, and it makes learning easier. Modern Technology is good for the developing brain of a child.When using any modern technology like Ipad, Iphone, Ipod, laptop computer anything, when using these amazing their brains are constantly being used. Each icon they click each word they read each picture or color they see is all recorded in their brains. When a child is on a application, that child zooms in on the activity which causes a chain reaction to the brain keeping the brain active, and exercising. â€Å"The impact of heavy media and technology use on kids are social, emotional and cognitive development is only beginning to be studied, and the emergent results are serious.† This quote proves of my statement because it says that a child’s emotional and cognitive development are being affected by technology. There are a lot of brain exercises on the internet. Just for a kid going on the computer and seeing screen light up and reading the words to guide them to a activity is exercising because you’ re using your brain to use the computer, and reading the word google or yahoo or even the startup menu.†Children now rely on technology for the majority of their play, grossly limiting challenges to their creativity and imaginations,Show MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Excessive Time With Technology1474 Words   |  6 PagesNot that missing a whale surface isn’t bad enough, however, spending too much time with technology and media causes more loss than we know. Overuse of technology and media socially isolates our generation, destroys their social skills, and allows them to be prone to health issues. Obsessive use of technology socially isolates us and destroys our social skills. The first effect of excessive time with technology and media is social isolation. 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