Thursday, November 28, 2019

Review of the Glass Castle free essay sample

Those people expected Orwell to shoot the elephant. Orwell realized that if he could shoot the elephant he will gain some respect from the Burmese people. I think his decision was based on circumstantial motives, social motives and political motives. It was considered as a political motive because he did not want the other German officer to be disrespect by Burmese people and have a bad experience like him. Social motive is one of the most important motives because he wanted gain some respect from the Burmese, who always a fool of him. I think it is not so hard to assign his motives to categories because Orwell describes his feeling very clearly in his essay and it’s easy to understand. 2. Facts ordinarily do not speak for themselves. How does Orwell present his facts to make them speak in support of his analytic points? Look, for example, at the death of the elephant (paragraphs 11 to 13) * I think Orwell used the fact to support his analytic points by describing the death of the elephant in step by step, so the reader can imagine along. We will write a custom essay sample on Review of the Glass Castle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For example in paragraph 13, he explained how he tried to make the elephant suffer the least but ended up being hopeless. He also tried to explain how the elephant was in such an agony to the point that it probably couldn’t feel anything anymore. 3. List morals you learn from this story. * I’ve learned that in order to live peacefully with other people you have to adjust yourself, sometimes significantly. I learned that sometime we couldn’t always do what we wanted to do because of circumstances. And sometime we have to do what we don’t want to do. I also learned, in general, people tend to be prejudice and judge others from their own experience. We can’t tell if we will be hated or loved by each group of people. We need to be very careful and be responsible with our choice of words and actions. Jonathan Swifts â€Å"A Modest Proposal† 1. Identify examples of the reasonable voice of Swift’s authorial persona, such as the title of the essay itself. * 2. Verbal irony consists of saying one thing and meaning another. At what point in this essay do you begin to suspect that Swift is using irony? What additional evidence of irony can you find? * 3. Look, in particular, at instances in which Swift’s authorial persona proposes shocking things. How does the style of the â€Å"Modest Proposal† affect its content? Martin Luther King Jr. â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† 1. Describe King’s theory of non violent resistance. * King was inspired the idea of using nonviolent resistance by Gandhi, a philosopher and leader, who trusted that love and truth is mandatory to win people’s heart. King also had the similar vision with Gandhi since he was a clergyman who valued love and honesty. He believed that violence would not solve any problem but will only make things worse and cause more damage. 2. Why did King choose nonviolent resistance over violent resistance? According from King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†, â€Å"I have tried to stand between these two forces, saying that we need emulate neither the do nothingism of the complacent nor the hatred and despair of the Black Nationalist. For there is the more excellent way of love and nonviolent protest. † I think Martin Luther king chose the nonviolent resistance because Dr. King was a clergyman, there for; he serves God and used Jesus principle to solve each and every problem. In this case, to love your enemies more and only nonviolent protest will show how so much can be achieve by being peaceful. 3. What encouraged Martin Luther King to fight for African American in Birmingham? * According form King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail, â€Å"We have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and God given rights. † King realized that he and his people had been waiting for too long to have the rights they should have. The rights that they had since they were born in this world. But American took their rights and suffered them for a large period of time. He believed that it’s time for him to do something to get those rights back to his people, so the generation wouldn’t be suffer like the past generation.

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